Impact CFX API 1.5.3
Comprehensive API documentation for Impact CFX - Collision Effects System
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAlignmentAxisUtilitiesUtility class for AlignmentAxis
 CArrayChunkHolds an index offset and length for a chunk of data in an array
 CBitmaskUtility class for manipulating bitmasks
 CCollisionInputDataHolds input data suitable for jobs for a collision event
 CCollisionObjectPairA pair of objects involved in a collision
 CCollisionResultDataCompiles all of the common data created from a collision
 CCollisionTypeExtensionsExtension methods for the CollisionType enum
 CContactPointIDGeneratorUtility for generating an ID for contact points. Used to identify contact points for sliding and rolling
 CEffectObjectPoolCommon implementation for an object pool used by effects with a template object
 CEffectUtilityUtilities for effects
 CEffectVelocityModifierClass for editing effect modifiers based on velocity
 CGameObjectExtensionsExtensions for working with GameObjects
 CIEffectDataInterface for impact effect data that is suitable for jobs
 CIEffectResultGeneral interface for results of effects that is suitable for jobs
 CIImpactObjectInterface for all impact objects
 CImpactAttachedEffectManagerComponent that manages effects that are attached to an object
 CImpactCFXGlobalGlobal class for managing and interfacing with the active Impact CFX Manager instance
 CImpactCFXLoggerUtility class for logging common Impact CFX debug messages
 CImpactCFXManagerThe primary manager of the entire Impact CFX system
 CImpactCollisionWraps data for a 3D or 2D collision
 CImpactContactPointWraps data for a single 3D or 2D contact point
 CImpactEffectAuthoringBaseBase class for creating impact effect assets
 CImpactEffectProcessorBaseBase class for effect processing
 CImpactEffectProcessorJobGeneric job for processing collision data to create effect results
 CImpactMaterialDataHolds basic impact material data that is suitable for jobs and burst
 CImpactMaterialProcessorBaseBase for impact material processors that get the material data for a specific kind of object
 CImpactMultiPrefabEffectAuthoringBaseBase class for effect assets for effects that use object pooling
 CImpactMultiPrefabEffectProcessorProvides core implementation for effects that use multiple pooled prefabs
 CImpactObjectBaseBase class for impact objects
 CImpactObjectChildImplementation of an Impact Object for objects that are children of a parent object
 CImpactObjectCustomVelocityImplementation of an Impact Object that calculates a velocity using the position and rotation of the object
 CImpactObjectDataContainer for basic Impact Object data used for queueing collisions
 CImpactObjectRigidbodyImplementation of an Impact Object for objects with a 3D or 2D rigidbody
 CImpactObjectRigidbodyCheapA "cheap" 3D or 2D rigidbody that does not have FixedUpdate
 CImpactObjectSingleMaterialImplementation of an Impact Object with a single material for the object
 CImpactObjectTerrainImplementation of an Impact Object specifically for terrains
 CImpactPhysicMaterialMappingMapping from a 3D physic material to an impact material
 CImpactPhysicsMaterial2DMappingMapping from a 2D physics material to an impact material
 CImpactPooledEffectAuthoringBaseBase class for creating impact effect assets for effects that need to use object pooling
 CImpactPooledEffectProcessorProvides common implementation for an effect that relies on pooled objects
 CImpactRaycasterConvenience methods for triggering effects via raycasting
 CImpactSimpleEffectProcessorBase class that provides a common implementation for simple effects that do not require object pooling
 CImpactTagA value for a single impact tag
 CImpactTagMaskBitmask for holding many impact tag values
 CImpactTagMaskFilterUsed to filter tag values
 CImpactVelocityDataHolds data suitable for jobs about the impact velocity at a collision point
 CIMultiPrefabEffectDataInterface for impact effect data that supports multiple pooled prefabs
 CIMultiPrefabEffectResultInterface for results of effects that support multiple pooled prefabs
 CIPooledEffectDataInterface for impact pooled effect data that is suitable for jobs
 CMaterialCompositionDataHolds impact material data suitable for jobs retrieved at a single collision point
 CObjectIDWrapper for object/asset IDs
 COverrideValueContainer for a value that can be overriden from it's automatically set value
 COverrideValueIntContainer for an overridable integer value
 CPhysicsUtilityUtility methods for physics calculations
 CPooledEffectObjectBaseBase class for an effect object (such as an audio source, particle system, or decal) that is part of on object pool
 CRangeRepresents a range between a minimum and a maximum value
 CRigidbodyContainerWrapper class for 3D and 2D rigidbodies that handles tracking the rigidbody state
 CRigidbodyDataHolds rigidbody data in a form suitable for jobs
 CRigidbodyStateDataHolds rigidbody state data in a form suitable for jobs
 CTransformDataHolds transform data in a form suitable for jobs