Impact CFX API 1.5.3
Comprehensive API documentation for Impact CFX - Collision Effects System
▼NImpactCFX | |
►NAudio | |
►NDecals | |
►NParticles | |
►NPooling | |
►NTriggers | |
CAlignmentAxisUtilities | Utility class for AlignmentAxis |
CArrayChunk | Holds an index offset and length for a chunk of data in an array |
CBitmask | Utility class for manipulating bitmasks |
CCollisionInputData | Holds input data suitable for jobs for a collision event |
CCollisionObjectPair | A pair of objects involved in a collision |
CCollisionResultData | Compiles all of the common data created from a collision |
CCollisionTypeExtensions | Extension methods for the CollisionType enum |
CContactPointIDGenerator | Utility for generating an ID for contact points. Used to identify contact points for sliding and rolling |
CEffectObjectPool | Common implementation for an object pool used by effects with a template object |
CEffectUtility | Utilities for effects |
CEffectVelocityModifier | Class for editing effect modifiers based on velocity |
CGameObjectExtensions | Extensions for working with GameObjects |
CIEffectData | Interface for impact effect data that is suitable for jobs |
CIEffectResult | General interface for results of effects that is suitable for jobs |
CIImpactObject | Interface for all impact objects |
CImpactAttachedEffectManager | Component that manages effects that are attached to an object |
CImpactCFXGlobal | Global class for managing and interfacing with the active Impact CFX Manager instance |
CImpactCFXLogger | Utility class for logging common Impact CFX debug messages |
►CImpactCFXManager | The primary manager of the entire Impact CFX system |
CImpactCollision | Wraps data for a 3D or 2D collision |
CImpactContactPoint | Wraps data for a single 3D or 2D contact point |
CImpactEffectAuthoringBase | Base class for creating impact effect assets |
CImpactEffectProcessorBase | Base class for effect processing |
CImpactEffectProcessorJob | Generic job for processing collision data to create effect results |
►CImpactMaterialAuthoring | |
CImpactMaterialData | Holds basic impact material data that is suitable for jobs and burst |
CImpactMaterialDataResetJob | |
CImpactMaterialMappingProcessor | |
CImpactMaterialProcessorBase | Base for impact material processors that get the material data for a specific kind of object |
CImpactMaterialRegistry | |
CImpactMultiPrefabEffectAuthoringBase | Base class for effect assets for effects that use object pooling |
CImpactMultiPrefabEffectProcessor | Provides core implementation for effects that use multiple pooled prefabs |
CImpactMultiPrefabJob | |
CImpactObjectBase | Base class for impact objects |
CImpactObjectChild | Implementation of an Impact Object for objects that are children of a parent object |
CImpactObjectCustomVelocity | Implementation of an Impact Object that calculates a velocity using the position and rotation of the object |
CImpactObjectData | Container for basic Impact Object data used for queueing collisions |
CImpactObjectRigidbody | Implementation of an Impact Object for objects with a 3D or 2D rigidbody |
CImpactObjectRigidbodyCheap | A "cheap" 3D or 2D rigidbody that does not have FixedUpdate |
CImpactObjectSingleMaterial | Implementation of an Impact Object with a single material for the object |
CImpactObjectTerrain | Implementation of an Impact Object specifically for terrains |
CImpactPhysicMaterialMapping | Mapping from a 3D physic material to an impact material |
CImpactPhysicsMaterial2DMapping | Mapping from a 2D physics material to an impact material |
CImpactPooledEffectAuthoringBase | Base class for creating impact effect assets for effects that need to use object pooling |
CImpactPooledEffectProcessor | Provides common implementation for an effect that relies on pooled objects |
CImpactRaycaster | Convenience methods for triggering effects via raycasting |
CImpactSimpleEffectProcessor | Base class that provides a common implementation for simple effects that do not require object pooling |
CImpactSingleMaterialProcessor | |
CImpactTag | A value for a single impact tag |
CImpactTagMask | Bitmask for holding many impact tag values |
CImpactTagMaskFilter | Used to filter tag values |
CImpactTerrainMaterialProcessor | |
CImpactVelocityData | Holds data suitable for jobs about the impact velocity at a collision point |
CImpactVelocityDataJob | |
CIMultiPrefabEffectData | Interface for impact effect data that supports multiple pooled prefabs |
CIMultiPrefabEffectResult | Interface for results of effects that support multiple pooled prefabs |
CIPooledEffectData | Interface for impact pooled effect data that is suitable for jobs |
CMaterialCompositionData | Holds impact material data suitable for jobs retrieved at a single collision point |
CObjectID | Wrapper for object/asset IDs |
CObjectIDExtensions | |
COverrideValue | Container for a value that can be overriden from it's automatically set value |
COverrideValueInt | Container for an overridable integer value |
CPhysicsUtility | Utility methods for physics calculations |
CPooledEffectObjectBase | Base class for an effect object (such as an audio source, particle system, or decal) that is part of on object pool |
CRange | Represents a range between a minimum and a maximum value |
CRigidbodyContainer | Wrapper class for 3D and 2D rigidbodies that handles tracking the rigidbody state |
CRigidbodyData | Holds rigidbody data in a form suitable for jobs |
CRigidbodyStateData | Holds rigidbody state data in a form suitable for jobs |
CTransformData | Holds transform data in a form suitable for jobs |