Impact CFX API 1.5.3
Comprehensive API documentation for Impact CFX - Collision Effects System
No Matches
ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectBase Class Referenceabstract

Base class for impact objects. More...

Inheritance diagram for ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectBase:
ImpactCFX.IImpactObject ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectSingleMaterial ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectTerrain ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectChild ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectCustomVelocity ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectRigidbodyCheap ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectRigidbody

Public Member Functions

virtual int GetID ()
 Gets a unique identifier for this object.
abstract RigidbodyData GetRigidbodyData ()
 Gets the rigidbody velocity data for this object.
abstract void RegisterMaterials ()
 Tells this object to register its material(s) with the Impact CFX Manager.
virtual int GetPriority ()
 Gets the priority for this object.
virtual Vector3 GetContactPointRelativePosition (Vector3 point)
 Gets the local position of the contact point relative to this object's transform.
GameObject GetGameObject ()
 Gets the game object associated with this object.
override string ToString ()
int GetID ()
 Gets a unique identifier for this object.
int GetPriority ()
 Gets the priority for this object.
RigidbodyData GetRigidbodyData ()
 Gets the rigidbody data for this object.
GameObject GetGameObject ()
 Gets the game object assoicated with this object.
Vector3 GetContactPointRelativePosition (Vector3 point)
 Gets the local position of a contact point relative to the object's transform.

Detailed Description

Base class for impact objects.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetContactPointRelativePosition()

virtual Vector3 ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectBase.GetContactPointRelativePosition ( Vector3  point)

Gets the local position of the contact point relative to this object's transform.

Implements ImpactCFX.IImpactObject.

Reimplemented in ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectChild.

◆ GetGameObject()

GameObject ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectBase.GetGameObject ( )

Gets the game object associated with this object.

Implements ImpactCFX.IImpactObject.

◆ GetID()

virtual int ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectBase.GetID ( )

Gets a unique identifier for this object.

Implements ImpactCFX.IImpactObject.

◆ GetPriority()

virtual int ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectBase.GetPriority ( )

Gets the priority for this object.

Implements ImpactCFX.IImpactObject.

◆ GetRigidbodyData()

abstract RigidbodyData ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectBase.GetRigidbodyData ( )
pure virtual

◆ RegisterMaterials()

abstract void ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectBase.RegisterMaterials ( )
pure virtual

Tells this object to register its material(s) with the Impact CFX Manager.

Implemented in ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectSingleMaterial, and ImpactCFX.ImpactObjectTerrain.