Impact Interaction System API
Impact Namespace Reference


interface  IImpactCollisionWrapper
 A wrapper interface for consolidating 3D and 2D collision data. More...
interface  IImpactContactPoint
 An interface for consolidating 3D and 2D collision contact point data. More...
interface  IInteractionData
 Contains data relating to an interaction. More...
class  ImpactAOTWorkaround
struct  ImpactCollisionSingleContactWrapper
 Implementation of the IImpactCollisionWrapper interface that only has a single contact point. Uses the ImpactContactPoint struct. More...
struct  ImpactCollisionWrapper
 Implementation of the IImpactCollisionWrapper interface. Uses the ImpactContactPoint struct. More...
struct  ImpactContactPoint
 Implementation of the IImpactContactPoint interface. More...
class  ImpactDebugger
class  ImpactManager
 Singleton class for managing Impact configuration, material mapping, and handling interaction processing. More...
class  ImpactManagerInstance
 Static class that handles the reference for the currently active Impact Manager instance. More...
struct  ImpactMaterialComposition
 Represents the influence of a Impact Material at a single point, such as for Terrains. More...
class  ImpactPhysicMaterialMapping
class  ImpactPhysicsMaterial2DMapping
class  ImpactRigidbodyWrapper
 A wrapper class that consolidates Rigidbody and Rigidbody2D data. More...
struct  ImpactTag
 Represents a single tag's value. Mainly useful if you want to see the tag name in the inspector rather than the integer value. More...
struct  ImpactTagMask
 Represents a tag mask as a 32-bit integer bitmask. Adding this property to your scripts will show a custom editor in the inspector. More...
struct  InteractionData
 An implementation of the IInteractionData interface. More...
class  InteractionDataUtilities
 Utility class for InteractionData. More...
struct  VelocityData
 Stores velocity data related to a point on a rigidbody. More...


enum  PhysicsType { Physics3D = 0 , Physics2D = 1 , Unknown = 2 }
 Specifies which physics system (3D or 2D) is being used.